Speakers do come and they do go,
But a chance to catnap I never forgo.
The Prof may be trying but I don’t try.
So that when I fail, I can blame him and cry.
This education is totally on the lease
Cases and assignments are just there to tease.
That’s why in discussions I don’t contribute
All my views only offer a lazy tribute.
Quizzes and exams are there to smother
I just make sure that my neighbor should bother.
Occasionally I pamper myself with a lie
A dream job is waiting for me in the pie.
So what if the jobs, in the market
are like the last eggs in the basket.
I just accuse subprime or a financial racket.
Sleeping in the class, last in the row
In front of the lion (Prof) but safe in a burrow.
Nothing to trouble today’s night, why to worry for tomorrow.
Fearless dreams to fly you high,
Why to bother when limit is the sky.
One who tries and keeps trying,
is a sincere and hardworking spider,
But who wants to be an insect, m satisfied being a ‘free rider’.
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